Wednesday, October 21, 2009


With Halloween just around the corner, I felt the need to embrace my inner geek and look up some organic candy (yes, there is such a thing).  Just because Halloween is a candy-filled holiday, it does not give us an excuse to gorge on only nasty processed junk.  I won't condemn you for eating a Snickers, but there are other alternatives that do not sacrifice deliciousness or festiveness that are worth being explored.  That being said...

I got embarrassingly excited about this website (which I found on, check it out!  Natural and fairtrade Halloween candy!  So many varieties!

*(to learn more about why Fairtrade is so awesome and so important, read the "About Fairtrade" section on this website* 

I also came across this brand YummyEarth - they have everything from lollipops to gummy bears/worms to fruit drops.  The company was started by two dads who didn't want to feed their kids crap-filled candy, and they provide a list of ingredients on their website.  You can find it at places like Whole Foods, Borders, Toys R Us,, and other health food stores or supermarkets.  Their website also recommends trying Trader Joe's organic candies.  I haven't tasted any YummyEarth products yet, but it's gotten great reviews.  I'm definitely hoping to find it at the nearest Whole Foods so I can hand them out to the kids on Union Street on Halloween.  You should probably do the same.

Monday, October 19, 2009

green team

Watching videos online is totally green (as long as you don't leave your computer plugged in ALL DAY ALL THE TIME).  Here are some silly environmental-related ones.

I love Will Ferrell.  This gets extremely inappropriate, so if there are small children in the room – EARMUFFS.

Even the guys on It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia are jumping on the green wagon.  One of my favorite shows.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

la boulange: rainy day savior, everyday gem

I am a sucker for all things delicious (and French), which is one of many reasons why San Francisco based La Boulange is one of my favorite places in the city.  There is one location conveniently across the street from my work on Union St, and another conveniently down the street from my apartment on Polk St; I somehow have yet to get sick of it.

The founder, Pascal Rigo, opened Boulangerie Bay Bread in 1995, which eventually evolved into La Boulange.  Everything from the bread to the coffee is organic, which automatically makes them awesome.  My favorites are their soy chai latte, homemade granola, tomato soup, mini brie and apple sandwich, open faced goat cheese/roasted red pepper/portobello mushroom sandwich, and the lovely accoutrements (cornichons rock my world).  They are super eco-heroes because they recycle and compost, use biodegradable packaging, and they are making small steps to make their stores as green as possible.  They are also involved in great volunteer and fundraising projects.  YAY! 

Today, in a desperate attempt to find a dry place to sit during a torrential downpour, I found refuge under the awning of La Boulange at Market St.  To my EXTREME delight, they had recently started serving hot apple cider.  They even put a cinnamon stick on top, which made it delicious by default.  It tasted like holiday parties and fall festivities.  I obviously recommend trying this immediately.

Check out their website and support their several SF locations!  Hooray for organic food and biodegradable things.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

greetings fellow eco-enthusiasts

My name is Sasha, and I love all things eco-friendly. I am not a crunchy hippie nor am I a crazy activist, I just love polar bears, clean air, recycling, and the earth. I hope you'll join me on my little adventure through the greening of my everyday life. I'll also throw out some recipes (because food is all kinds of wonderful), eco-friendly discoveries, reviews, the occasional YouTube video, and random thoughts, facts, or observations. I also promise to try and be funny (keyword: try).

I hope this blog of mine can inspire you to make a few changes in your lives that will benefit your body and soul, and will hopefully help keep the planet from overflowing with filthy trash during our lifetime. I hope to help you realize that being a little more green is really not as annoying as it seems. And if making just one small change to help the environment gives you no satisfaction whatsoever, chances are you have a heart of stone. And you're probably lazy. Sorry.

peace, love, and recycle.